Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Appleton day trip Oct 2011

Left at 7am, started fishing @ 10am, left for home @ 5:30 pm, arrived home @ 8pm.  Kept 4 walleyes, largest 17 inches and 3 northerns and one duck decoy that washed up.  So 6 hours driving, 5 fishing and 1/2 cleaning.  Now comes the eating. Good times.

The road to one of my "honey holes" has been blocked off for a couple years.  People still fish there but I bike in and out.  The extra hassle does help keep the riff-raff out plus there is the fact that people across the river have to watch me put em on the stringer, most of the time.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Awaiting a long winter

Just a few photos.  Not too much to say.  Hoping next year brings a very different scenario. The last 10 months was more about discovery and severe belt tightening.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ryder visits with Mom and Dad

Cuteness blew into town this last week, stayed with Chase and Taylor for a couple nights, visited the Harvey family and was certified "a perfect baby" by all.  Thanx go out to his mom and dad for sharing their families time with us all.  Looking forward to seeing them all again soon.

Backyard at Chase and Taylor's.  Chase grilled up some great food to end a perfect, but all too short visit.

Appleton 2011 with Jim

The wind blew, the jigs flew, the results were kool, what's new?
  We kept 11 walleyes and six northerns.