Monday, September 12, 2011

What you can and what you should not do with a 60 foot ladder

A 60 foot Werner ladder weighs almost 200lbs and comes in three sections.  So you can have three ladders, a forty footer, a 60 foot and a a 20 foot available to use.

I saw this one, retails around $1350 new, on "Craig's."  I followed the pricing for a week or so, and then made a few offers, and one was accepted.  Turns out the guy that owned it had stage 3 pan cancer, felt bad about it all and gave him about the starting price after all that. Take 1k off the new price and it still was quite a deal.  The key is who in their right mind would use one?

After a few hours of trimming I saw just one more branch out of my reach but within reach of my pole-saw. I had already dropped all the ropes and was using a cordelette for a personal anchor. I sawed forever on a 7 inch limb and it came down and hit the tree next to me (could not use a rope to lower it) knocked the 40 foot ladder over and wedged between the 2 oaks. I was about 50 feet up the tree sitting on a branch, anchored of course.  Had Doffing get the 20 foot fly, the 40 foot was totally stuck in the trees, used that ladder and the reach of the pole saw, got a rope up to me and rapped off.  That is better then using a cell phone to call for help and alot less embarrassing.  "On rappel."
 P.S.  7 van load of woods have come off the hill in the last week and I mean full loads.  See, you can be broke and still have cheap high adventure.